Marek Migalski Marek Migalski

"Polskie obozy śmierci"

Marek Migalski Marek Migalski Polityka Obserwuj notkę 35


Z przyjemnością informuję, że na wczorajszym posiedzeniu grupy Reconciliation of European Histories w PE zaaprobowano treść oświadczenia mojego autorstwa w sprawie tzw. "polskich obozów koncentracyjnych". Ogromnie się cieszę, że do tego doszło, ponieważ używanie w światowych mediach tego nieprawdziwego i krzywdzącego Polaków sformułowania stawało się nagminne. Mam nadzieję, że przyjęte wczoraj oświadczenie pomoże polskiemu rządowi i polskim placówkom dyplomatycznym w dziele zwalczania tego typu krzywdzących treści.
Pod spodem zamieszczam treść oświadczenia.
Statement of the group Reconciliation of European Histories
Due to the fact that a few journalist of international newspapers used the most unfortunate phrase “a Polish concentration camp” regarding the Nazi German camps in occupied Poland, the group Reconciliation of European Histories reminds that this usage of words is incorrect. Moreover, it hurts the feelings of the people who were the victims of Nazi persecution, their descendants and all nations, whose territories were occupied by Nazi Germans. We all need to remember that Poles were also prisoners of Nazi concentration camps.
The group Reconciliation of European Histories considers, that writing about concentration camps must be reliable and compatible with historical truth. We remind that, the official name of the Auschwitz camp, that figures on the UNESCO World Heritage List is "Auschwitz Birkenau German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940-1945)". We recommend, that other camps located in Europe would be named in similar way (for example "Nazi German camps")
The group Reconciliation of European Histories welcomes the fact of adding to the New York Times stylebook the expression “Nazi German camps in occupied Poland” and encourages other newspapers to do the same, which will lead to promote historical truth.


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